Friday, August 28, 2009

Underwater Explorer....

Good Day 5L...I hope all is well:))...and that you are enjoying this break...

For todays writing assignment we are going to stick with yesterdays Science theme of Oceans...

Remember...I want you to write as many words or more as you did during our 10 minute writings in class:) everybody will be a little different

Todays writing prompt:

Suppose you are an explorer making an underwater voyage across the ocean floor of the Pacific Ocean...Write a brief story about your voyage.....

Think outside the learned some different things about the ocean floor yesterday in the science blog, so you should have new terms and ideas from the definitions to incorporate into your story:)))


  1. If I was an underwater explorer, I would be one of the underwater explorers that searches for interesting creatures, and would search for, The Lost Treasure of Captain Blackbeard ! In my adventure I would be going deeper into the ocean, and I would be wrestling sharks as they tried to attack me. If the ghost of Blackbeard was there, I would challenge him to a sword battle, and if i lost, he could have my life, but if I won, he would have to give me his treasure.But Before The sword fight begun, Blackbeard called out his crew which by the way, were also dead. Half of them went into his body to make him bigger, stronger, and faster. Soon the battle begun and some of Blackbeard's ghostly crew came to watch, The Greatest Battle Ever! The fight was on and Blackbeard was winning ! I almost thought I was going to lose,
    but then Blackbeard was shaking ! It turned out that he wasn't able to control the power, of the crew that was inside him. Finally there was a Kaboom ! Suddenly, Blackbeard and his men were gone. It turned out that he exploded because he wasn't able to control the power. That's why he exploded. I won the match and brought back the treasure. That's what I would do if I was a underwater explorer.

  2. If I was I underwater explorer, my main goal would be to see whales on the continental slope and I would look for whales, mostly. But mostly, I would stay on the continental shelf to see lot's of fishes and maybe...turtles? I would love to see dolphins too. Or, If not that, I would search for sunken ships. Perphaps the Titanic? That would be amazing! But the most main thing I would worry about is sharks. Maybe, I might be chased by and shark!
    But I would probably would want a partner to help me search for things. But lot's of things could go wrong, so I wouldn't want to be a underwater explorer, I would prefer to be a land explorer. I would like the sunshine and all the animals that are really cool! Who knows? Maybe, I might find a rare speices!

  3. If I was an underwater explorer, I would explore around the Bermuda Triangle and try and solve the mystery of the disappearing planes and ships. As I would swim around the murky water I would find a small ships mast with a flag that would say "S.S. Discoverer". As I swim over the top of a coral reef I would see the rest of the ship resting on the Continental Rise. The "S.S. Discoverer would be a huge ship made out of cedar wood with the paint scraped off. As I get closer to the ship I see something unexpected. On the sides of the ship there are holes. Not holes made out of coral or any sharp objects. No, they would be cannon holes! Pirates would have found the ship going off course on their way to Florida. They would have beaten and shot the ship enough so they could have raided the ship. As I would turn around to start on my way back to tell of my discovery, I would start to see a misty image in the middle of the ocean. But when I go to get a closer look I would see a mean old man's face which would have a scar right next to his left eye. Then I would see his teeth. He would be a ghost but if he had color, his teeth would be as yellow and as dirty as a pira-wait a second! I would think. This must be the ghost of the pirate who's crew raided the "S.S. Discoverer"! He says to me in a growl, "Sorry, matey, but I'm going to have to stop you from going any further, savvy?" I wouldn't need any translating to see what that would mean! I would quickly swim past his side to avoid him, but he would just follow me. Then I wouldn't know what wouldn happen in the next five minutes. I would just swim faster then I would ever swim in my life. Pretty soon I would lose him. Then I would just swim up to the safety of the surface. This is what I would do if I was an underwater explorer.

    By Stephan

  4. If I were an underwater explorer, I would tour around the Coral Reef and try to find new and exotic breeds of fish. And when I did, would take a picture of them and bring them to a scientist. I would try to find buried treasure, one thousand years old. I would swim all over the world and see all different kinds of colors in the ocean. I would definately try to search for mermaids or find an underwater town, submerged for years and years to come. I would come face to face with some of the world's rarest undersea animals. I'd find ancient war ships, longboats, turtleships and pirate ships. In the ships, I'd find the skeleton of the world's greatest warriors and leaders. Eventually, I would have circled the world, only by swimming and become the greatest undersea explorer the world has ever known.

    By Courtney McKee.

  5. If I were an underwater explorer, I would be prepared of the unexpected creatures I might see. My main goal would be to explore the unseen fishes in the Continental Shelf. It's fun but at the same time it´s risky because there might be some dangerous creatures.

  6. (Antonella continues...)...
    For example, you might be chasen by a shark or stung by an octopus.But When I find unseen underwater creatures.I would get my underwater camara and take a picture of it and then show it to a scientist.this is what i would do if is was an under water explorer

  7. If I were an underwater explorer, my main goal would be to help the ocean. There are so many ways to help! First, I would go out to see what's out there in a solar powered boat. I would put on my gear and then SPLASH!!Down I go. The next thing to do is to find living bacteria. I'm curious about how bacteria lives in the deep ocean. As I'm in the ocean, I would play with seals and dolphins. I would also go to an underwater cave. I might get the privilege to get some crystals. From these samples, I could invent a way to get energy from the ocean and help the ocean at the same time. It would also be awesome if I could rent a submersible and go to the abyssal plains. I may actually invent a kind of machine that can make energy using the ocean and help the ocean!

  8. If I were a underwater explorer, I would try to solve all the problems that is in Bermuda Triangle, in Florida coast. I want to go there, because it is know as said that it has strike fear into the hearts of those travelers that have went. In the Bermuda Triangle, ships have disappeared without a trace, planes vanish off the radar never to be seen again, and strange lights hover in the sky. I will get all my packs and also some gifts that my family has given me. 'Cause I might be lost and soon I would have to be no longer in Earth. I hug my parents, my sister, and all my relatives. Then with braveness but lots of horror and fear, I start to go on a plane. Just in case if I was lost, I will call to see if there is network. But if there is not, I would just have to... vanish in thin air. But will I find what happens in the Bermuda Triangle? Will I solve the mystery of what happened or would It turn out that they were all rumors? So I call my family before I leave and I cry and cry. But this is for the world's good. I should find the real truth. Or was I bieng stupid enough that I just came here for nothing but to die?? I was wondering like some elephant was trapped in a jungle.

  9. If I was a underwater explorer I would have two goals, to swim around with sharks without getting scared and getting eaten. My other goal is to find out the truth about the Bermuda Triangle! I am like so intersted in the Bermuda Triagle and if I vanish to another dimension that would be so much cooler.

  10. If I was a undewater explorer I would like to see the dolphins and swim with them.I would like to play with the see turtles and feed them.
    I would like to see a tresure in a pirate ship.

  11. Davis said If i was a underwater explorer I would like to try and find a new species of animals underwater and if I found something really cool that would be tight. (hehe)But if I didn't find anything it would be a drag. Also I would want to see what the underwater animals do.

  12. if i was an underwater explorer i would help the injured animals in the water from all the polution in the ocean so that they dont get tangeld in it. I also would try to see what it would be like to live in an anemani and i would so cool to see what shells are at the bottom of the ocean it would take alot of tries to get to the bottom but i would set my gols hi and i would do it someday! :)

  13. If i was an underwater explorer i would want to see lots of unique animals or endangered animals like dolphins,sharks and those animals.
    I would help them or play with them if it's possible. I would also try to go to the Abyssal Plain and see tubeworms and claims! That would be an awesome experience!!! What I'll also do is I will look for drowned people underwater and move them to a grave or something so that they can rest in heave comfortably! I would also look for sunken ship and some old things in the sunken ship! Who knows? There might be coins that were used in 1900's! The last thing i'll do is i'll certainly look for treasures!:) If i find one of it i would be rich!!

  14. If i was a under water explorer i would be a navy seal explorig a crime scine than happpend in a submarine, and would put a stop to it. A terrorist called penut butter the 2nd was tring to capture and kill people in submarines.He loved submarines more than his kids and had a under water fort which me and my team mates were planing to destroy and resque the people. it was late at night every on one was sleeping exept for me and my team. we were ready to attack first we lowed in shooting the guard with our guns. Unlucily my team mates got ot scared and ran away. it was only me against a million. slowly i sneeked in the room it was dark and quiet to quiet. as soon as i took a step i al most got hit by and arrow. this place was filled with trapes. the siren went on and i ran for my life doging the traps. sonn i came to and end a very very muscular guy was standing in front of me i sheot him but the bullet bownced off soon i saw himtrip a stick and he fell in a hole. he fell for his own trap. i resqued the hostiges and put them to safty but it wasnt over yet i had to plant a bomb. as soon as i did that he came more scarier than i thought i never knew i had to face him he was penut butter the 2nd he was a...

    miget i started lauhing but he flipped me over and i fainted i woke up in a room only white he was there out side i dint know how to get out i was traped ut when he lefed i rememberd the laser ring i had so i cut a hole in the wall and escapes it wasnt over yest i still had to capture penut buter the 2nd and destroy the place i found penut butter the 2nd ditting doun and i flipped him over he got so made he shot 3 bullets at he but i doged them we had the gratest battle ever than i shot him in the leg and captured him as soon as i planted the bomb i ran away with himas soon as i got out he sam back in for his summarine but it exploded and he died than his son penut buter the 3rd got angry and made a notherplane to capture me this time.

  15. I would ride on a turtle so i could find the tresher of Homala-monaha. i found a whole town! there was a coffe shop and a dounut shop and a coffe and dounut shop! and it wasn't a mermaid town it was a people town, a you and me people town but all the people said was...

    "Boom shaka laka laka"!!!!! it was wierd, and their blood was..................................PURPLE!!! Every thing was PURPLE even they were PURPLE!!! i was wrong when ever the were making stew they sang this " Making a purple Stew Bop Bop a lou bop bop making a Purple stewby douby douby doooo
    purple potatos and purple tomatos and making a purple stew Do do do do" and it was weird! then i went home. :)

  16. If I was a underwater explorer, I would find out the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, find hidden treasure, and find some unknown creatures. I also have to look out for some dangers I might encounter. After that, I would go to a professer and give him my results. That is what I'll do.

  17. If I were on an underwater voyage, in the Pacific Ocean, and was an explorer, I would start my voyage at the continental shelf. I would probably study different types of sharks. I would also see some whales. I would also try to find octopuses at the continental rise. I would try to even look for a giant squid and take pictures of it. It would be very dark though. That is what I would do on an underwater voyage across the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

  18. If I were on a voyage underwater I would rent a large submarine and a crew that would go with it.I would also get diving suits for everybody then we would travel around the world and while we did that we would try to discover new underwater creatures and would try to bring back most of of them.But we would each have a spear and a rifle with us just in case we met anything to dangerous but I would put all the weapons in my room just in case my crew tried to turn on me.

  19. If i were on a voyage underwater i would search for precious treasure and go whale watching! Then my crew and i would stop and a beach to chilax and do nothing just having fun on the beach. Then, we would climb back on the sumberine and eat our snacks and start searching for treasure and whale watching again to become very rich people:)

    If I were an underwater explorer I would search for the Titanic because it's so fascinating how it sunk. I bet if I had scuba diving gear I would find everything I need down there.

  21. Underwater explorer
    If i were an underwater explorer i would check if their was any underwater's so mysteryious!!!it might be might be fascinating!!!i don't know!So if i can i would want to go to an underwater cavern!!!:)
